“I love my monito yes I do, I love my monito yes I do!”

Are you thinking of a gift for your valentino this Valentine’s Day? Oh, sister never sweat cause I am here to help you out with gift ideas for your special guy. We love gifts too, whether you are looking for a gift for your boyfriend or husband they love what you are going to give to them, not to be biased, we love practical gifts.
Men and boys love simple things, whether a simple clothing brand, or a collector’s item, and anything else, we love it.
What are the things you should give to your man?
A bouquet and a box of chocolate

Well call me old fashioned, I would like a bouquet and chocolates. Well commonly, men should give flowers to women but yes sometimes men do receive flowers from their partners. But if you are not sure consider his preference, and if you are sure then choose a masculine flower, like orchids lilies, or even potted plants.
Rates and Prices
Chocolates – from ₱400 to ₱2,000 depending on the brand, can be bought in any store and can be bought as an add-on if purchasing bouquets.
Bouquet – prices range from ₱1,000 to ₱2,000 depending on the size and the flowers available, can be bought or arranged by a flower shop
Potted Plants – prices range from ₱200 to ₱900 depending on the flower’s availability, available at any Plant Shop

If you want a gift that can last longer and can be preserved, you might want to consider making or find a commissioned artist to create a portrait.
Rates and Prices
Every portrait may depend on what type of paper and pencil (materials) they are using, also they rate how many heads need to be portrayed, and contact your local graphite or charcoal artist in your area. the price and rate of the portrait approximately cost ₱1000 to ₱1500
Arts and Crafts

If your boyfriend has a hobby of doing arts and crafts, it is a perfect idea to give him this item.
Rates and Prices
A date in an art museum
Art-related gift: depending on what kind of brand and set of art material, can be bought at any art store, ranging approximately from ₱200 to ₱900
It is also a perfect Valentine’s gift or activity for this hearts day, where the two of you can exchange gifts on the spot on this kind of activity.
Collector Item Toys or Cute Stuffed Toys

Yes, some of us still like toys. As observed, there are a lot of guys who are interested in collecting toys, for example, some collectors collect budget-friendly toys such as “Hot Wheels” which is a good Valentine’s gift if your companion is collecting this kind of toy. Observe what kind of toy your companion is collecting. Also if your companion is not a fan of collecting toys you can give them stuffed animals.
Rates and Prices
Stuffed toys and other toys can range to ₱200 to ₱2000, it can be pre-ordered in your trusted online shops and sellers or any toy store.
Remember, it is not about how big or how expensive the gift is, we never mind that, and we are very grateful for that. It is not about the gift that we are talking about, but it is about our appreciation of your efforts.