It’s never too late or too early to start a business; All it takes is guts to actually begin. 

Photo from Ako si Mon Facebook Page

Who would have thought that a college student who saw himself as “lazy” would build his own business from the ground up? 21-year-old Mon Ivan Mendoza took a leap and ventured into the coffee business.

Let’s take a look at his story of determination.

What Once Started Small

Mon Ivan Mendoza started out by using his mom’s old cart. He borrowed ₱15,000 from his friend as a capital.

According to Mon, he did not have any knowledge about brewing coffee. He also added that enrolling to be a barista was quite expensive. Because of this, Mon decided to learn how to make coffee drinks on his own by watching YouTube videos.

Photo from Ako si Mon Facebook Page
Photo from Ako si Mon Facebook Page

The young man also admitted that he was not a fan of coffee, but because he is a business-minded person and saw a great opportunity with coffee, he chose it as his business.

Mon started his business way back in February 2023. However, his coffee venture did not succeed at first. According to him, 50 bottles of his cold-brew mixture went to waste. Mon admitted that he felt defeated and did not know what to do next. He then wanted to pursue the venture again and did an even better preparation. 

It took a month of trial and error before he finally succeeded, and his business started producing earnings. When he started earning even more, he was able to buy groceries for his family, pay the bills, and was able to pay rent. 

Photo from Ako si Mon Facebook Page

“Noon ko pa naman pangarap yun. Bata pa lang ako, nasa uta ko na balang araw, pag nagkapera ako tutulong ako sa family. Marami silang sinacrifice para sa aming magkakapatid, kaya gusto kong bumawi sa kanila.”

– Mon Ivan Mendoza. 

Since Mon was 14 years old, he already had a means of surviving. He worked as a kids’ football coach, did phone photography, sold “ukay-ukay” clothes online, and became a delivery rider.

There’s Money in Coffee Beans 

Believe it or not, Mon’s business earned ₱8,000 to ₱15,000 daily. This young man goes to show that no one is too old or young to make their business dreams come true. Moreover, Mon was also able to make something out of used household items like his mom’s old cart. 

Photo from Ako si Mon Facebook Page

Ladies and gentlemen, starting a business is hard, but no one said it was impossible. So, just like Mon, take that leap of faith and watch your success soar.

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