Sold for Php 1,400.000.00 in just 5 minutes!

The León Gallery is known for their prestigious auctions for impressive art pieces. However, just last October, the gallery garnered a stunning amount of Php 1.4M in just the first five minutes into their auction event – for a coin.
During the León Exchange 29th Online Auction, the 1732 Philippine barilla weighing 21.75g and had a diameter of 24.40mm with a thickness of only 4.80mm began with a starting bid of Php 50,000.00. The coin received grave remarks from the bidders as soon as its history was suspected to be circulated during the time the Laguna de Bay Battle was won; when the Philippine Republic just declared its freedom and independence from Spain.

Rare Philippine Coins
The fact that the 1732 coin survived wars and battles is impressive enough for the general public. But wait, there’s more! While the coin fetched a million, it’s not alone in the rarities department. Throughout history, many coins have marked the beginning and end of eras, making each piece a treasure trove of stories waiting to be discovered, such as the following pocket-pieces:
Gold Philippine Coins

One of the rarest pieces is the 1799 8-Escudo coin that was part of the Leon Gallery auction last 2021. Made of 27g of fine gold, the coin was made in Columbia at the Casa de Moneda. It’s engraved with the portrait of King Charles IV of Spain and is worth an average of Php 109,378.25.

Another is the 1868 Gold 4-Peso Coin which had a starting bid of Php 19,500.00 at the Leon Gallery and now holds a price of up to Php 30,395.64.
US-Philippines Proof Coins

Compared to other types of coins, proof coins are the highest quality a mint produces because they serve as commemorative coins and are struck using hand-finished dyes. One example is the 1907 US-Philippines Proof Peso Coin which is made of 80% silver and a reduced size Peso coin that holds a value of Php 3,735.45.
Error Coins

Error coins are very rare especially since during the manufacturing process, it usually gets caught and redone. So, when an error coin gets circulated, it can hold a price beyond a million, such as the 1915 US-Philippines Mule worth Php 2,363,392.06 when it was auctioned in April 2014.

These coins aren’t just currency; they’re portals to history, waiting to be discovered and cherished by collectors worldwide. So, how about you? Do you have rare coins worth more than their actual value? Share it to us in the comments below!
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