Hey, mom. How are you?

I know your life changed the moment you became a mom. The moment you gave birth. Motherhood is challenging as you have to sacrifice a lot of things, including yourself. 

Life is not always sunshines and butterflies. It has its own downside, which every existing thing always has.

Mom, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the times I caused you pain. I’m sorry for the various times I spoke harshly to you, for the times you felt disrespected by your own child, and times that I made you feel that I’m taking your love for granted. Looking back, I realize that I am not an easy person to deal with and to raise. For that, I am deeply sorry for being a complicated person. 

I’m sorry for the times that I made you feel unappreciated. But mom, despite all that, I want you to know that I am truly grateful to have you. 

Thank you for loving me unconditionally even if it’s hard sometimes. Thank you for being there for me when I felt numb and alone. Thank you for supporting me with my passion and dreams even if other people think that it doesn’t make any sense. Mom, thank you for never giving up on me no matter how harsh I have been nor how complex I am as a person. 

Thank you for your never-ending patience and boundless wisdom. You’ve taught me to be stronger, to strive, and to become a better person. You are a strong person and I will always be looking up on you. You inspire me to strive for the best. 

Mom, you are not just a mother to me. You are as beautiful as the moon and calming as the ocean waves. I love you mom. I love you more than the words I’ve come up to. 


Your child

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