Are pet-friendly restaurants really “pet-friendly” for all sorts of animals?

Balay Dako, a popular restaurant in Tagaytay, recently faced a social media backlash after a customer’s dog was denied entry, despite the restaurant’s pet-friendly claim. The incident prompted widespread debate and anger from netizens, questioning the true nature of the restaurant’s pet policies.

Aspin Discrimination

Screengrab from Lara L. Antonio, the pet-owner

Many pet owners, including the person who posted about the incident, Lara, believe it might have been a case of pet discrimination, particularly since her dog was an “asong pinoy” or a local mixed breed. According to her, they decided to leave their dogs in the car while they dined to keep their dinner plans. However, this experience led her to review the restaurant’s policies and social media posts. She noticed that the restaurant’s page featured photos of larger dogs, like a golden retriever and a labrador, which appeared to be bigger than her own dog.

“So, what’s clear to me is that they decide. They’ll decide based on. And then they’ll let you know just like that. Kasi kung 15 kg talaga bakit pwede Labrador? Bakit may golden retriever doon sa photo na pinapakita niya of ‘dogs that are allowed?’’ said Lara.

Clarifying the Policy

After the post went viral, Balay Dako issued an apology to the affected diner named Lara. They explained that while pets are welcomed, the size of the animal and the safety of other guests are important considerations. This clarification raises the question: What exactly does “pet-friendly” mean?

Photo from Balay Dako

“Pet-friendly” may not mean that ALL pets are welcome!

Photo from Pexels

The term “pet-friendly” is often used broadly, but this case of Balay Dako shows the potential for misunderstandings. Are such policies really inclusive, or do they cater only to smaller or specific types of pets? Without details, the policy can cause more harm than good to any establishment; therefore, clearer communication about it is essential by ensuring transparency and consistency to avoid confusion and maintain an inclusive atmosphere for all pet owners.

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