Toxic people are like a magnet; they attract and absorb!

In life, being around people who are positive and supportive helps us grow and be happy. But some people can hold us back and drain our energy. Knowing who to avoid can help us stay healthy and productive. Here are some types of people to watch out for:

Wheelbarrow People

The type of people who need constant pushing and can’t move forward without your help. They rely too much on others to get things done.

Mosquito People

These types of people are the energy drainers who constantly take without giving back. They are a nuisance and can drain your energy and your strength.

Misanthrope People

Chronic pessimists who always find the negative in every situation. They bring down the mood and hinder the progress of you.

Chameleon People

Those who change their behavior to fit in, making them unreliable and untrustworthy. These people lack their true sense of self.

Scaffolding People

People who are temporary supporters who disappear once they’ve gotten what they need. They are not there for the long haul.

Crocodile People

Individuals who seem friendly but are waiting to take advantage of you. They are deceitful and dangerous people you need to avoid in your life.

Garbage Pusher People

Those who constantly bring negativity and problems into your life. They clutter your mental space with their personal issues in life.

By being aware of these types of people, we can better protect our wellbeing and focus on building positive relationships

Note: Remember, it’s important to surround yourself with those who lift you up, not bring you down.

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