Susuka pero di susuko…

An amusement park is a place where you are “amused” by what you see, from the typical amusement park music to the colorful surroundings and various snacks available. However, there is one essential activity you must embrace whenever you visit an amusement park: the rides.
“I’m not sure what’s more terrifying—the drop on a roller coaster or the thought of waiting in line for it.”
How Can We Survive: A Survival Guide to Amusement Park Rides?

Before the Ride:
Do Your Research
Before riding, always observe what the ride entails, its duration, and any requirements, such as height restrictions if you are on the shorter side. In all seriousness, we should always research the rides we want to try.
Proper Clothing
Always wear comfortable clothing that won’t pose any problems that could turn your fun into a disaster. Never wear loose clothes.
Stay Hydrated
Always stay hydrated—this is the most important rule. Drink water before or after the ride to prevent dizziness or, even worse, dehydration.

During the Ride:
Proper Posture
Maintaining proper posture ensures safety and minimizes the risk of injury. If the ride has headrests, such as on roller coasters and boomerangs, always keep your head and neck aligned with them. The park personnel will check and assist you, so always listen to their instructions.
In other words, try to relax and enjoy the ride. The more you focus on your surroundings, the less likely you are to feel fear or nausea.

After the Ride:
Cool Down
Find a cool spot or shade to rest for a bit, or head to another attraction that feels relaxing, such as an indoor exhibit or amusement park games.
Rule Number 1: Hydrate. Rule Number 2: Always hydrate. Replenish the fluids you lost during the ride.
Listen to Your Body
If you’re feeling unwell, take a break or seek medical attention.
Pace Yourself
Don’t try to tackle all the rides back-to-back. Pace yourself and take breaks before trying another ride. The day is long, so try to enjoy it rather than risk minor complications on your fun day at the park.

Oh, the joy it brings—the thrill and adventure of riding the park’s attractions! Yet some of us may not be fit or brave enough to try the most exciting rides. Still, sometimes our curiosity can make us fearless.