As the rainy season comes, the parvo infection is also running rampant. Thus, you, as a dog owner, must know about it!

Photo from Cebu City Government-Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries Official Facebook Page

Canine Parvovirus 

Canine Parvovirus type 2 (CPV – 2) or commonly known as parvo is a virus that is highly contagious that is commonly found in dogs. This virus is especially lethal on puppies.

According to studies, this virus attacks the stomach of the dogs and small intestines and in some cases, it affects the heart and bone marrow. Furthermore, the virus significantly weakens the immune system of the dog giving them a higher possibility to acquire more diseases. 

Recent studies have revealed that parvo is spread through direct contact with an infected dog. It can also be passed through indirect contamination such as feces, toys, food bowls or even the hands of a person who touched an infected dog.

“Cali,” one of the pups who survived the parvovirus way back in 2020 | Photo from MG Torrejos

The virus has been observed to survive in areas away from the sunlight and soily surroundings. It was even observed to survive for months and harsh weather conditions. What’s more scary is that it can resist common disinfectants.

However, how can we tell if a dog is having the parvovirus?

The Parvo Symptoms

It is the rainy season again and parvovirus spread is especially rampant in this climate, since the rain water can carry the virus in more areas. Below are physical symptoms of a dog that might possibly have a parvo:

  • Changes in energy and appetite
  • Abnormality in the abdomen
  • Rapid loss of weight
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Severe or bloody diarrhea

If a dog is experiencing any of the listed symptoms, it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention to avoid rapid deterioration of a dog’s health that might lead to its eventual death.

Photo from PAWS

How to Cure?

Currently, the virus has no cure, but the scientific and medical field have developed a vaccine to prevent parvo infection in dogs. Thus, make sure to have your dogs vaccinated in veterinary clinics that are near to you. Also, to further ensure the prevention of the eventual infection, it is advisable to regularly clean places where your dogs usually stay and play.

Photo from Cebu City Government-Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries Official Facebook Page

Dogs are flippant creatures by nature and it is normal to see that a dog is seen everywhere. Furthermore, dogs are not as sentient as humans. Hence, it is your responsibility as an owner to take care of the dog for them to avoid getting infected by the virus since there is no cure present to completely eliminate parvo.

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