In the course of our combat against the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has been looking for ways to lessen (at the very least) the positive cases in the country.
One local government unit (LGU) that has caught the netizens’ attention is Albuera, Leyte’s LGU for their digital contact tracing system.

The Municipality of Albuera in Leyte has started to use a hi-tech way of contact tracing through the ARKTECH’s ARK (ARK Contact Tracing System). They use this in their offices and borders.
They have been using a centralized logbook of all their citizens. This centralized logbook will help them trace and isolate the people needed to be isolated. This, as said by many, is very efficient in our combat against COVID-19.

All establishments and businesses from big companies to small businesses(Sari-sari stores, small eateries) and even in individual households are/will be equipped with ARK Scanners and the Albueranos will have their own QR codes.
All scanners will send the logs to Covid-19 fighters of LGU Albuera.
1 Comment
Mas maayu pani kay naa silay kaugalingong system. Sa Cebu city intawon kay ga introduce ug Online QPass pero nawala. Nag introduce ug QR Pass pero ang code nga naa sa QR kay gibutang rapod sa ubos. Way klarex.