It is not a surprise that people, especially Filipinos have a thing for anything fancy. From designer shoes to luxury bags, some wouldn’t mind spending a dime of their hard-earned money. While we respect and totally understand their decision, there is also something about locally handmade products that would make others love it more.

As years have gone by, hand-made products have transitioned to factory-made goods. Though there are exceptions to the rules, these goods have lost something in them. This is why luxury items would atill have some hand-made components in them. Because with whatever product it may be, these items that are tend to be made by hand would look and feel a whole lot more. Thanks to these laborers who have gone over and beyond for them.
Hence, when Richard Bermundo Jr. posted a photo on Facebook about their local leather craftsmen, it made a buzz on social media.

He posted a photo of Sir Ronald of St. Joseph Leather Crafts and Shoe Shop. Sir Ronald is their talented leather craftsman who have been working exquisitely to produce these lovely poducts.
From sandals to boots, belts to bags, even wallets, he makes them out of real cattle leather. Though ready-to-wear designs are already made available, Sir Ronald could also customize designs, according to your needs and wants.

If you want to cop your own locally handcrafted design by Sir Ronald, you can visit St. Joseph Leather Crafts and Shoe Shop in front of Commission on Audit (COA) in Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City.
Sir Ronald’s designs have an enduring appeal to them. Most especially because they are locally made. This would just make us want to #supportlocal even more.
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