Giubo ko, naa kay tambal diha?

Cough medicines are more likely to lace you with another disease since most of them can cause some really unpleasant side effects. What’s more is that these medicines might cost you a hefty sum. However, there are some organic remedies that can help you battle against this infection and it’s relatively cheap too!

Calamansi and honey can be mostly found in our kitchen, since both of these can be used for cooking food. However, research has proven that calamansi and honey can also be a remedy for cough. The antibacterial and throat-coating properties of honey and the huge amount of vitamin C in calamansi makes them a good pair to alleviate and heal your incessant coughing.

Ginger is one of the top spices used by cooks around the world. However, ginger has medicinal properties too. This plant can soothe an irritated throat and is able to boost a weakened immune system due to a disease or infection.

The number one ingredient for cooking. Salt is mostly used to make the flavors in dishes pop out. However, gargling this cooking condiment can also help you remedy your coughing symptoms since salt can help your body kill the bacteria that is causing you to cough. Furthermore, salt also helps your throat mucus to lessen and clear your sinus passages.

Hot fluids like warm water, tea, soup broth, and warm fruit juices help warm sinuses and soothe sore throats that are blocked and infected by the mucus build up. Further proving this claim, a study in 2008 revealed that warm beverages like the ones mentioned above were able to offer quick relief from runny nose, sore throat, cough and tiredness.

The moisture that a steam provides helps a person loosen the mucus build up in the lungs, significantly clearing the airways, thus, giving an individual a quick relief from coughing. Steam can also be added with essential oils to heighten its healing effects.

A common backyard Filipino herb, Sambong has proven its miraculous medicinal effects on many diseases already. Research has shown that this herb is used to treat wounds and cuts, rheumatism, anti-diarrhea, anti-spams, colds and coughs. Moreover, sambong can also be used to treat respiratory infections!

Rest has proven to significantly boost your immune system. Thus, this is also an effective remedy to cough, since a strong immune system gives you the healing soldiers that you need to fight against the infection. However, it may take some time before you feel the effects of the said remedy.

Along with ginger and rest, water has also been proven to fortify a person’s immune system. Hydration significantly thins the mucus build up in your throat making it easier to cough it all up and clear your airways giving you quick relief from coughing.

Aside from being eaten as a dessert, guava can also be used as a medicine to cure infections and diseases. According to studies, the juice from a raw guava can help heal coughs and colds since the juice has medicinal properties that can get rid of the mucus in the lungs. Also, it can also disinfect your respiratory tract, throat and lungs!

One of the most common medicinal herbs used to treat cough. In fact, the herb has been widely used in the Philippines as an ingredient for cough medicines. Furthermore, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) has clinically tested lagundi to treat cough and asthma.
— Coughing is really annoying and painful especially if the cough is getting worse. Furthermore, as it can weaken your immune system, this can also give a higher possibility for your body to catch more diseases and infections. So, it is important to treat your cough right away before it worsens and turns into something much more horrendous.
But as they say, prevention is better than cure, so stay healthy to avoid getting infected by cough especially now that our country has entered the rainy season. Stay safe fellow Sugboanons!
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