Book lovers, rejoice! One of the biggest book-by-kilo sellers is coming to Cordova, Cebu this May 2024!

The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. – Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

One can never own or have read too much books, especially when that book comes in a series of novels! So, whether you’re a book collector or an avid reader, you should prepare yourself because Bookchigo Trading Corporation is coming to town to sell books by the kilo! That means it’s more budget-friendly.

What Is a Book-By-Kilo?

A book-by-kilo is a type of reselling that allows the buyers to purchase books based on the total weight, as opposed to paying for each book’s individual price tags.  Buyers can browse through a wide stock of books, stack them all together in a basket, and then have them weighed at the counter. Each kilogram has a corresponding price and it depends on the seller if the pricing varies on genre, cover type, or even the best-selling status of the book. Nevertheless, it is a very popular bargaining type of book reselling in today’s generation.

How to Prepare for a Book Haul

Have you ever been to the Big Bad Wolf annual book sale? If you have, then expect the same type of excitement on the day of the launching. But fret not, for this list will be your guide to prepare you for the ultimate book haul:

  1. Make a list

Santa Clause has tons of kids to go to and he checks his list twice to make sure no one gets left behind, nor forgotten! So, be like Mr. Clause and make a list of the books that you’d love to check-out. If you’re unsure, then head to the top bestsellers’ list of reputable bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and our very own, National Bookstore!

  1. Prepare some cash

Going cashless? Well, you can, but it’s best to have some cash on hand. One of the top benefits of having actual cash is that you’ll be able to control your spending. Leave your cards at home, and use e-transfers sparingly!

  1. Wear flat shoes

Yes, it is important to still slay while looking for books to haul, especially since there may be a handsome mysterious dude with a long cloak and glasses who may get your attention. BUT, us bookworms have the tendency to browse and browse through shelves of books without noticing the time; a 15-minute trip could end up being a 3-hour browsing journey! So, keep your heels short or maybe wear some sneakers to make you comfortable while you go through piles of books.

  1. Bring some eco bags

Are you even a true booklover if you don’t have ecobags lying around at home? Well, now it’s time to fold them neatly and place them into your purse so finally you can make use of them!

  1. Bring a bookworm friend

Bonus points if your friend is buff and could carry a heavy weight! Nuff said.

So,  bookworms, share your literary goals, must-have series, and the stories that you want to buy in the comments below, and stay tuned for more details about where this amazing Book-By-Kilo store will be located!

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