Graduate at your own time.
This is what the proud Alternative Learning System (ALS) graduates for School Year 2020-2021 in Sagay City, Negros Occidental have come to prove. They remind us that it’s never too late to reach your goals and that there is no timeline to success.
Mr. Feliciano Mercurio, the Education Program Supervisor of ALS in Sagay have shared the list of graduates of all ages. ALS students may include school dropouts, out-of-school children, and people who don’t have access to schools in their communities no matter how young or old which makes it the most diverse and interesting group of learners you’ll ever see.

Republic Act 9155
The Governance Act for Basic Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 9155- It is every Filipino’s right to have free basic education which is why the government established ALS.
It is a substitute or alternate to formal education in the Philippines. And since each student has distinct situations and needs, it’s a practical option to have both the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills.

Community-based not Classroom-based
ALS is a Non-formal Education system that is community-based. Instead of a classroom, it is conducted at community learning centers, barangay multi-purpose hall, libraries or at home and managed by ALS learning facilitators, such as mobile teachers, district ALS Coordinators, and instructional managers. It is a partnership where the learners and facilitators agree at their own schedule and venue for the class.

No one can stop you from learning not a situation nor age. You just have to be willing to take that first step.
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