On October 14, 2024, as the sun began to shine all around Cebu City, there came this horrible sound that went piercing bleedingly through our ears: 🔉 I Love You.

Check the date again. Could it be? You thought right, because today is when we commemorate the National I Love You Day, where the famous 8-letter 3-word is not only used for romantic purposes for couples, but instead it goes beyond just for lovers.

If you’re single, think of it this way: Love is in the air—wandering around, hiding away from you, that’s why it is difficult to find.

Love doesn’t always have to be romantic. There’s always unconditional love, meaning we love a person because we care about him/her—no strings attached. And love isn’t limited to people, we can also love on non-living certain things, too;
I love my boyfriend
I love my toys
I love my mother
I love my father
I love my cellphone
I love my body
I love my friends
I love writing opinions
As you can see, we can express love for anything, even things we might not usually associate with the word “love.” Love is everywhere. It’s in us, in the stars, and in the trees. Wherever we go, love is there.

If we can say “love” to everything, does your other half’s “I love you’s” mean as much as you expect it to be? We mean no harm to your relationships, but maybe ask your other half that, just to be sure.

People say “love” is just a 4-letter word. Could they be right? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.
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